Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Types of reviews and explain them????

1 3530

can anyone please post few samples of SRS and test case for calculator,insurance,hotel project,atm....?Also please refer me the book for my reference for manual and automation?espically any book which has sample of testcase and SRS?please degree of emergency!


Hi Friends..Can anybody tell me how much Salary u'll be getting for Manual Tester(1+ years of Experience)Position in the Companies like Wipro & Infosys????

Google, Wipro,

6 9301

How we make scripts for unit testing with Nunit.


Write TestCases for mobile


2 5693

When do you feel that testing should start now while developing an application.

1 3049

What is a show-stopper Bug?

6 8010

There are 20 resources out of which 12 are manual testers, 5 automation testers and 3 performance testers. There are a bunch of projects to be tested in the organisation, the projects belong to various technologies, say 20% of projects in Java, 20% of projects in SAP, 30% of projects in .NET, 30% of projects in C# What is your approach as Test Manager in testing.


How Can I do database Testing ?


How can We stop Client side Validation and do Server side validation ? Is there any option on IE

Covelix, TCS,


Is apllication is window base or Linux base it create any diff. from QA point of View.?

Covelix, IBA,

1 4032

How can we change session time ?In JAVA application



what is liquid fuel testing?


what is the FURRRPSC model?


2 6371

what is the role of testlead in software testing

1 3554

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

in the account there is 10,000 rupees and i entered 20000, in this case how will you test the application


Write the test cases for file transfer from one user to other from Google Drive/drop box?


In usability testing we check spelling, content, look and feel, color combination, link or menu navigation? please let me know more about usability testing.


Hi Friends, Can anubody give me brief overview of Automation tools.. (basics of tools-summary)of following tools? 1.Qualty Center 2.Load Runner 3.Win Runner 4.Q.T.P mail me on


What is difference between Bug resolution meeting & Bug Review Committee? Who are participants?


What is strategy to be followed for execution of 500 Test Cases in One day. If only 1 Resource is available.


Explain accessibility testing and its importance in the present scenario.


If we have no srs, brs but we have test cases does you execute the test cases blindly or do you follow any other process?


Please Tell me About Fish-Bone Model. Thanks in Adv.


please send me interview questions asked in google in testing - manual


Please explain me v-model clearly i want to know how it works and want to know how it use in real time on a project please tell me its urgent and important for me understand .Please tell me my mail id is Thank u


i want to for technical interview question paper along with in tesrviwe Phases i need


what is the difference between section & test feature in test case documention?


can we do database testing in manual testing? then how we write the test case?


How to explain a banking project in interview ? like project discription is Client Online Banking Application provides access to information relating to Banking Online Services provided by Axis to View daily customer transactions, Current and Previous customer statements, Transfer funds from Chequing and Savings accounts ................ From interview point of view can any one explain this project in laymans language