Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Can anyone tell me about banking project? abt the transactions? the flow?


Hi frnz!! Can we do the Testing without writing Test Cases, but only posting the bugs in the BMS?

HCL, JPMorgan Chase,

14 15806

What is meant by Product-based testing?


9 21451

Dear friends, I am Ravi, was working as a Test Manager and quit the job due to some personal reasons. I need to get into job at any cost, as it is very critical situation for me. Now I am preparing for interviews, and I seed your help. Please mail me at I'll definitely share all those topics in this form too.... Expect your help and thanks in advance. Regards, Ravi

3 5026

what are the conditions of test cases?

4 6065

Which are the possible test cases can U write for Combo box validation ?

10 32025

Hi frenz!!! I heard that Satyam recruitment Pattern has changed like Written, Essay Writing and HR+Tech? Is that true???


3 3831

how to schedule the time in stlc ?


1 3766

i got job selection order from decon engg hrd,tamilnadu,india.they are also demanding me 2000 rs. & saying that after 3 day they will give me a joinig letter, there web site is & postal address is decon engg(govt. hrd)no-236 coimbatore -641044.I submitted my resume to them and after that they didnt conduct any interview... can i believe this or its just a fake..

Decon, ssinformatics,

69 58556

what is test director?

1 3335

how to connect oracle with test director? in testdirector we will be getting only reports? pls answer Thanks in Advance


do we require any scripting languae to write test cases in test director? what for it is used?it is like back end?only database we can there?


which scripting language is used to write scripts for testdirector?only testing team can use testdirector?or other people like working on oracle(accounts) can also use this? pls answer Thanks in Advance

2 3891

Without exact specification can we write test case for functional testing?

1 4218

What is Tracibility matrix?How we can use in real time application?

3 16836

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What are the benefits of requirement traceability?


what r the measure bugs found in your project??? Give some example abt this.


What are all the scenario for analytics 2.api 3.paypal


what is system testing? as test eng, what do u do in sys testing? who invoves in sys testing?


What is the difference between GUI Testing,UI testing and Usability TEsting


Why Equivalence Partitioning is called equivalence or what is the significance of equivalence term in ECP?


what is agile model and spiral maodel?pls explain with an example?


what are the templates for daily,weekly and monthly reports? plz reply ASAP.


what is functional testing terminologies


how can you test the web environment for security testing?


What is performance tuning? What are tools of performance testing?


hi sir, i completed my GNIIT from NIIT. i recently joined in IT company for Testing(manual) on JD EDWARDS.So,i wanna to ask that after taking 1yr experience can i able to do Testing .NET in another company.Pl i am confused pl send yours suggestion throw my email(


why use caffine for HPLC calibration ?


What is a test severity and test priority? difference between them with suitable examples?


Why is it impossible to test a program completely?