Manual Testing Interview Questions
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When the 1st time I will log into the application it will ask to change the passward.After 30 dayz the passward will expire and the application is unaccesible.U cant alter the server time.... How will u test it??


6 7391

how to distinguish between session cookies and persistent cookies while doing cookies testing??


1 3484

how to test the cookies ?


2 5817

what is testing phase??

3 5054

what is cause effect graph & exp its types?

3 5783

What kind of test cases are need to be included in the database migration testing?

1 4362

What do you gather as a part of requirement gathering (for a testing project)?

1 5045

Could anyone explain the testing process end to end? I you get a new project what you do, first as a test manager? Explain later steps too...

3 6050

What test metrics do you provide to your client?

2 4951

What factors do you consider while estimation test efforts?

1 4850

Test Manager's role in preparing proposals?

1 3449

can any one give negative testcases for calculator

3 28662

why need testing ????

Synergy, TCS,

9 8603

how to connect your project in database?


Could anyone share FAQs for Test Manager position...


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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

Difference between smoke and sanity testing


Which model is following in your company for developing software?


What are the benefits of creating multiple actions within any virtual user script?


In how many ways you perform batchtesting ?


what types of testing have u done in ur project?and expalin it detail?


What are testing techniques? What is difference between general and specific?


Hi ALl, Can you please list out Q & A for Test Lead,which Interviewer may ask in interview for Test Lead position


If we have no srs, brs but we have test cases does you execute the test cases blindly or do you follow any other process?


integration test cases for mouse and keyboard


what is test strategy,test plan and test policy?Does anyone have dummy documents or any links that gives more idea about these?I am a beginner...interested in learning more abt testing.plz help and encourage me........!


anybody there with 3+ exp in software testing looking for change and like to work in bangalore fwd your resume to


Tell me the algo for convering number into words. Meanse if the number is 4567 then it should print Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Seven


Explain what is exhaustive testing?


What processes/methodologies are you familiar with?


What do you mean by Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, and User Acceptance Testing and when do you do them?