Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What is PBX Testing & What is Test coverage?

3 9930

Tell me the test cases for a search and replace functionality in a microsoft document (.doc)?


3 16076

can someone give me a brief idea about embedded testing.. i know both embedded system concepts and testing concepts.. i just want to know what we have to do for embedded testing


what is validation and verification of a bug?

2 4646

please give me the template of tracebility matrix ? i need whicch is commanly used in real time...

2 6438

1.Difference between System Testing and UAT 2.Difference between Load, Stress, Volume and Performance Testing. 3.Difference Between Integration testing and System Testing 4.Difference between Bug and Defect 5.Difference between Use Case and Test Case 6.Difference between Test Plan and Test Strategy 7.Difference between Test Scenario and Test Case 8.Difference between SRS and FRS 9.What are the difference b/w client & server? 10.explain test case template? 11.explain test plan template? 12.explain testing process? 13.explain bug report template? 14.what is scenario? 15.what is criteria?What are test entry and test exit criteria? 16.what is test strategy? 17.what is baseline? 18.what is hotfix? 19.what is Inspection,Walkthrough,Review,Audits 20.what is Stress Testing,Volume Testing,Sanity Testing 21.what is QA and QC? 22.Explain V-Model and Stages? What is Adv And DisAdv? 23.What is Boundary Value Analysis? 24.What is Equivalence Partitioning? 25.What is Error Guessing ? 26.What is Cause Effect Graphing techniques? 27.What is Bug , Defect and Error? 28.How will you report the bug? 29.What are the different test deliverables? Which deliverable we need to submit at the end of testing? 30.What methodologies have you used to develop test cases? 31.How you will close the defect? 32.What is meant by the bug state "Reproduce"? 33.What is change request?How do you handle change requests ? 34.what type of documents do u prepare during testing? 35.what are the testing methodologies? 36.What is release notes? 37.what is Response Time? 38.What report u generate after completing testing? 39.What is Test Bed? 40.Example for a bug having high severity and low priority? 41.Give me examples for high priority and low severity defects?


9 19378

What are the advantages of manual testing other than "Low cost", "Where automation fails".......?


6 9845

What is Risk analysis? Explain with example

5 13734

What is the quality process is following in your organization.


How will you track defects? Or Bug life cycle?


What type of testing process do you follow in current organisation?

3 14365

Do you feel any dis-advantage over the current process? if he/she says any, have You discussed with your Manager reg this ? Why?


I say “End user can also be involved during system testing?” Do you agree with me? if Yes or No….Why ?

4 8608

At what stage, the application can undergo performance testing?

1 4016

When and by How you will come to a conclusion “Prepared testcases covers the given requirements?

3 6015

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

Unit Testing can be done by using Nunit?


What is data matrix? What is the use of it?


Tell me a critical defect in which your Client,PM,PL appreciate on you


About Hierarchy level in your company.


How do you get programmers to build testability support into their code?


If you are handling a product testing and if there are around 100 test cases and in them few test cases are failed then at the end of the day how will you treat whether the product is pass/fail.? consider the failed test cases are in functional requirements.


Can you explain regression testing and confirmation testing?


what the purpose of requirement phase


in an online banking software,users are connecting to bankserver by login.This login module can take below inputs for user. a/c number prefix-3 digits but doesnot start with 0&1 a/c number sufix-6 digits number password-5to 10 chars alphanumerics in lowercase areacode-3 digits number but optional purpose- cheque deposit money trasfer mini statement bills pay After filling above fields,user can click submit button to connect to bank server.prepare test scenarios for online banking s/w login.


Explain the sub-genres of performance testing?


About Testing


how to clarify functional requirements and non functional requirements in a srs?


How we can test Cookies Manually?


What is six sigma?


What are all the scenario for analytics 2.api 3.paypal