Automation Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

in QTP we test web based application at that time what script is run? is support vb script? plz tell me

3 6540

how to idetfy which test cases are automated?who will deside that plz tell me


how to create the varibles and how these are connect to qtp? plz tell me

3 5288

what is the use of automation objective model?where is used? plz tell me

2 4646

what is the defference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0and 9.2? plz tell me

6 9477

how many types of object repositories in winrunner & tell me difference for those

SAP Labs,

2 4347

how many types of run modes are there in Winrunner

SAP Labs,

2 6753

what is aregular expression?


4 6961

what is objectidentification?

2 4057

how do you use DLLs in winnrunner?

1 3284

How to make Shared object repository in qtp 9.1 and 9.2?

2 8899

How many Reports Can be Got from Test Director?


3 7990

Does anyone know or have experience in the following? TestDirector (now Quality Center) installation and administration. configuration and administration of Quality Center / TestDirector - not just usage!

IT Gurus, TCS,

2 4647

how can we group that these test cases only should be automated and in which order you execute that test cases

Maveric, Satyam,

3 6514

How to connect the remote desktop using QTP 9.2 explain the method or procedure?

Magna Infotech, Oracle,


Un-Answered Questions { Automation Testing }

What is assertion in selenium?


What is multi-tagging?


Explain what are the different types of locators in selenium?


How does you pass optional arguments in qtp?


Hiiiiiiiii This is lavanya.....At present i m working as a MATLAB developer at CMC(A tata enterprise)from about1 year .now i want to move to testing field as a fresher?Is this possible...can anyone give me a suggestion regarding d testing field.....


Which HTML specification will be adhered to? How strictly? What variations will be allowed for targeted browsers?


How do you plan test automation?


How to define array in qtp?


What are the differences between quicktest professional and winrunner?


hi can any body give me a script for creating a modularity or keyword driven framework..i am working as a qtp tester for 2 months but still i am not exposed to framework in my company


What is the extension of the qtp local repository? If it is .mtr then what is .bdb extension stands for?


How many types of parameters are available in quicktest professional (qtp)?


Our company is having a windows client server application developed in so there is a treeview and i am not in a position to record the click events in QTP. so kindly help. Vivek


How much does selenium license cost per client machine?


How can we perform functional testing under load?