Explain me about test scenarios? How will you write it?

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Explain me about test scenarios? How will you write it?..

Answer / khushbu nemade

Test scenarios are generally the paths which cover whole
application. Mainly these are generated on the basis of Use
cases . then test cases are generated on the basis of test

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Explain me about test scenarios? How will you write it?..

Answer / guest

test scenario is a series of actions that the user might
perform on the application or tester might plan to do.
Ex: drawing money from ATM is a test scenario, similarly
checking account is a scenario.

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Explain me about test scenarios? How will you write it?..

Answer / jethva_trupti

A document specifying sequence of actions for the execution
of test .For example, if you are test for travel website and
try to book one hotel, then you can write test scenario for
booking process. steps or actions would be search for the dates
and place, select hotel from the search result, verify room
details and select one room and go to payment page for booking
and get booking reference number.

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Explain me about test scenarios? How will you write it?..

Answer / vinod

steps from start to end for use case which should perform
for the best of test coverage

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