How we will do DataBase testing through Qtp application, i know two things 1)Import date from sheet2)Database Check points. But Interviewr asked me How to Run Queries from Qtp Application?Plz Any Body Exlain about Data Base Testing.Urgent.........Advanced Thanks
1652hi friends ,, i will give a small advice for all of ,, pls send genune answering don,t send half knowladge answers pls pls pls ....... i faced so many problms in interview pannels so pls pls
1599can you tell me the correct process for creating automation frame work for project(key word driven framework)
1694In the Software Testing What is Test Report and Bug Report? Is Tester Job to give Bug Report or Test Leads Job?
2 6012I am going for an interview for back end and ui testing. Can smone tell me some important questions?
1608If your current project is US based project, where will your Business Analyst stay ? India or US ??
3 5486Post New Testing AllOther Questions
What lcsaj is?
Mention what the main advantages of statement coverage metric of software testing are?
how do you convert use cases into test cases?
What is Mainframe testing all about? What is testing methodology which applies to this kind of testing? Can anyone with the basic knowledge of mainframe system can apply for the Mainframe testing job requirement?
What is the difference between interoperability and compatibility testing with some examples?
tell some examples for driver and stub?
what kind of test cases will you suggest for an atm machine
Explain interface?
What is system simulation?
Explain exit criteria?
What are benefits of iSCSI SAN over FCOE SAN?
HI Any one can guide me What is database testing ? And How will do it . Please refer me any site or document to know more abt data base testing.
what is the most challenging situvation r u phased while during testing?
What are test comparators?
Hi..i am planning to write ISTQB foundation level exam..could any one suggest me training center for istqb..also, where can i write istqb exam in chennai..could u plz list the prometric centers for istqb in chennai