In what basis you will write test cases?

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In what basis you will write test cases?..

Answer / lakshmana rekha basu

I would Writed the Test cases Based on Functional
Specifications and BRDs and
some more test cases using the Domain knoldge.

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In what basis you will write test cases?..

Answer / ashok

Test cases are write based on Requirement specification and
Business Rules document.

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In what basis you will write test cases?..

Answer / btech

Based on the screen functionality, we will write the unit
test cases. Let's say, I have to test a GUI based screen, I
will write the test cases like, when the screen is getting
loaded what is the status of screen, What are the fields
are enabled and disabled etc., Each field length comparing
with the database. Acceptance of each field like AccountNo
it should accept 6 letters and it should allow only
numeric etc., It should not allow alphanumeric and special
characters etc.,

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In what basis you will write test cases?..

Answer / hima7

Test cases are prepared on the basis of requirement
documents.Each company follows theirmown format. The test
cases are 3 types
1.GUI Test cases
c)Look and feel
d)spell checking
2.positive test cases
3.Negative test cases

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In what basis you will write test cases?..

Answer / sm

Based on the customer requirements and functionality wise
work flow i will prepare the test cases.

From BRS and SRS documnet i can able to get the complete
details of customer requirements.


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In what basis you will write test cases?..

Answer / jethva_trupti

Based on the requirement document,specification document
usually test cases are written. Sometimes if specification
is not there then based on the mock ups or screen elements
we need to write test cases

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In what basis you will write test cases?..

Answer / guest

Test cases wright based on

p0 Basic functionality
p2 casmotic functionality

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In what basis you will write test cases?..

Answer / parimala

Teast cases are prepared on the basis of SRS and deatiled
design document.

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