Software Design Interview Questions
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What are the different phases of SDLC ?

College School Exams Tests, Geometric Software, Infosys, Microsoft, NIIT, Samyak, Sun Microsystems, TCS,

94 233430

How do you handle change requests ?

Microsoft, Trigent,

4 17524

How do you perform impact analysis ?

HCL, Microsoft,

8 21215

How do you write unit test cases ?

College School Exams Tests, Microsoft,

6 23849

About current project architecture ?

ADP, Microsoft,

2 13873

What are various life cycle model in S/W development ?

Digital GlobalSoft,

6 14889

What are sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams and difference between them ?

ACET, CT, CTS, Infosys,

8 34087

What is the S/W model used in the project. What are the optimization techniques used. Give examples ?

Infosys, Symphony, Wipro,

2 7866

What are the SDLC phases you have invloved ?

Infosys, Tech Mahindra,


How do you ensure quality of code ?


3 15183

Tell about yourself and job ?

Galaxy, Infosys,


Tell about current project ?

Infosys, Wipro,


What is your role in the current project and what kinds of responsibilities you are handling ?

Infosys, Iron Mountain, Wipro,

8 79132

What is the team size of your project ?

Infosys, NIIT, Saber Corporation, Satyam,

3 16020

What are cascaded style sheets?

1 3974

Un-Answered Questions { Software Design }

Explain about the difficulties of interchange format of UML?


Is bean a singleton?


What are the static diagrams in UML?


What is data abstraction? what are the three levels of data abstraction with Example?


Can Quartus II software users still use Synopsys? PrimeTime to perform timing analysis?


What is your expertise on the devops projects?


Explain about aggregation?


What's the main difference between arraylist / hashmap and vector / hashtable?


Why webforms are better than mvc?


What are the Quality Planning process outputs? A. Quality management plan, bench marking, checklists, evaluation criteria B. Quality management plan, bench marking, operational definitions C. Quality management plan, checklists, inputs to other processes D. Quality management plan, operational definitions, checklists, inputs to other processes


What is bootstrap, extension and system class loader? Or can you explain primordial class loader?


What is the main advantage of using inheritance?


Mention the advantages and disadvantages of mvc model?


What are the modelling diagrams that are most commonly used?


Each of the following describes an element of the Scope Definition process except: A. Breaking down the major deliverables of the project into smaller, manageable components B. Supporting detail C. Decomposition D. Improving the accuracy of time and cost estimates