RPG400 Interview Questions
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what is estimation? and what is the level identifier parameter in PF?


3 7498

IN RLU what are the record level keyword is used?

iGate, TCS,

5 12735

what built in function can be used with SETLL.If you want to check whether the search argument is successful or not? Please give me answer with example?

3 8384

what is mean by *MAP and *DROP?what commands use these two keywords?why are they used?

4 17219

Please tell me how to read the records from a file with load an array of size with error conditions(The logic answer for this question is ARR is array of 99 elements Z-ADD 0 IDX *LOVAL SETLL FILE READ FILE 99 *IN99 DOWEQ *OFF IDX ANDLT 99 ADD 1 IDX MOVE FIELD ARR,IDX READ FILE 99 ENDDO).So,Please give me the complete of this code.


Can anybody tell me that why we use option(*nodebugio)in H- Spec?

3 22626

can anybody help me that what is the procedure of debugging the service program?


3 8843

You have a *USE authority on a Library and *All authority on a file in that Library.Can you change the data in that file?

1 4385

I have a RPG program of 100 Lines and first line is to SETON indicator LR. Will the program execute rest of the 99 Lines?

6 13529

How to update selected fields from pf without using update opcode. How to read all member in Rpg-3,without using any cl command?

8 20603

I have some doubts on subfile----------- -----I wrote a prog on subfile to display the records. Every thing is clear but i defined a field called "opt" as input field in subfile record format from that input field i wish to enter into new screen called "EDIT" which i created it as a separate RCD in display file. i gave opt as 2 for edit just like in WRKMBRPDM screen please telll me the code and how can i code for it in RPG.

3 5723

What will happen if we r using seton lr after return or vice versa.

5 18329

One of the job in subsystem is in Running status,expected time to complete this job is 2 minutes. But from last 5 -10 minutes this job is still in running status....What are the possible reasons...and What are the actions i need to perform to check this...?

4 7526

Can anybody tell me in which scenario we have to use SQLRPG .(Embeded SQL)....?


2 8484

What will be the value of STRING after line 0106 is executed in the code below? 0101 E* Fromfiletofile..tabnameprnentlenpdatabnamlenpda 0102 E ARR 8 1 0103 ISTRING DS 0104 I 1 8 ARR 0105 C MOVE *BLANK STRING 0106 C MOVEA'ABC' ARR A) 'AAAAAAAA' B) 'BBBBBBBB' C) 'CCCCCCCC' D) 'ABC ' E) ' ABC'

2 4341

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How to select highest score of each subject or how to select highest income of every month?


How can we know running job is batch or interactive?


can I touch the array during treatments?


can you debug ile rpg program using isdb?


We have job which is running as batch. It takes atleast 06 hours to complete tht job. But I wanna do tht job with in 3 hours?


what is the difference between do while and do until?


what happens when sflsiz = sflpag? What are the advantages and disadvantages?


what is the rpg system?


What is the difference between copybooks and subprocedures in as400?


what do you mean by an input subfile, what are the keywords required?


how can you display specific subfile page on the screen in unequal subfile?


what is the procedure and explain about real time scenario.


what are the key words you must use when using a subfile?


What is the diff bw PF/LF Name and their Record format name? what is restriction in record format then file name?


what was the robotech rpg?