RPG400 Interview Questions
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In case if I want to know whether a record exists in a file, which one do you prefer CHAIN or a SETLL and why ?

1 3305

How to create a login screen using a command instead of display file.... intention is to get a password field on a command..... how do you achieve this...


I have a file .In that file i have 3 fields. Those fields are eno, ename, esal.Keyfield is eno. In that file i have data like this for eno 1,2,3,4,5. Now i need to display 2nd record. That means i need to set the pointer on 2nd record... Then, write the complete rpg program using setll.

1 3289

When it is desirable to describe files Internally?


How Chain operation copies the record's data to the input buffer for the program?



Interviewer asked me write down DDS for load all subfile .can anybody write dds


How to call one program from another program in RPG? please help me with the code



Write a program to display prime numbers between 1 to 100 using RPGLE.

1 4765

How to add 2 new fields in a file? How many ways are there in as400?

2 2318

How to print Superscript / Subscript from RPG400

1 2272

A rpg or clp command to find if the file field is defined as a character or numeric field.


1 2176

what is the necessary keyword needed to scroll subfile records?



can I touch the array during treatments?



can you debug ile rpg program using isdb?



check existence of one record without using chain or read?


1 1612

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Un-Answered Questions { RPG400 }

What is the difference between iter and do?


do you use message subfiles? What are the necessary keywords required coding a message subfile?


which program rpg or cl is efficent to update a transaction onto a database file and why ?


1. What is bound-by-call and bound-by-reference? 2. Where and why is *Nomain used? 3. What are the difficulties faced by programmers when using service programs? 4. Explain the different ways of parsing and compiling XML in iSeries.


how can I tell when to replace the array?


1. If there are two programs using same file and 2 users are using the file at the same time and what can be done to allow them both to access? 2. How can remove lock from the file for accessing it by both users?


what is kids-rpg?


What is difference between bind by copy and bind by reference?


Please tell me how to read the records from a file with load an array of size with error conditions(The logic answer for this question is ARR is array of 99 elements Z-ADD 0 IDX *LOVAL SETLL FILE READ FILE 99 *IN99 DOWEQ *OFF IDX ANDLT 99 ADD 1 IDX MOVE FIELD ARR,IDX READ FILE 99 ENDDO).So,Please give me the complete of this code.


what was the robotech rpg?


We have job which is running as batch. It takes atleast 06 hours to complete tht job. But I wanna do tht job with in 3 hours?


Hi Viewers can any body explain me how to update and ahange the already existed data in physical file using subfile ? please explain me with the code if possible?


what is a rpg?


what is data area and how it is used in rpg program ?


How to call one program from another program in RPG? please help me with the code