You have a *USE authority on a Library and *All authority
on a file in that Library.Can you change the data in that
Hello, I want to extend a length of field in my Display file(Subfile). Please suggest the possible steps. Thanks
what is EXCEPT command in rpg and use
How Commitment and Roll back control is used in as400, explain with real time senario ???
what built in function can be used with SETLL.If you want to check whether the search argument is successful or not? Please give me answer with example?
can i use UPDDTA command in rpg program in which contains a file
1.How you will find the program is batch or online in cl pgm? 2.How you will end the batch pgm when the job runs? write an logic? 3.In wich command the option *drop is used?
what r drawbacks of OPM? Why do we go for ILE RPG?
how can you display specific subfile page on the screen in unequal subfile?
How do you do indexing in a physical file?
Hi guys. Im in AS/400(RPGLE,CLP) from last 1 year.Now i wan to upgrade my Knowledge in AS/400. Suggest me some new fields & courses which falls under AS/400. Waiting for your quick Response.
use of PUTOVR,OVRDTA,KEEP keywords?
1) How to retrieve RRN through RPG ? 2) How to pass parameter by value ? 3) How to trap the error through the RPG/400
10 Answers IBM, Tech Mahindra,