what is estimation? and what is the level identifier
parameter in PF?

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what is estimation? and what is the level identifier parameter in PF?..

Answer / swetha p rao

Level Identifier is a value that is generated when you
compile a file.Each file wil have a unique identifier.

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what is estimation? and what is the level identifier parameter in PF?..

Answer / sunaina

I think we can have only one record format in a physical
file file then how the record level identifier can be two
for two members of a physical files. Could you please explain.

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what is estimation? and what is the level identifier parameter in PF?..

Answer / sree

There are3 level identifiers for any PF. They are

1. At File level
2. At Member level
3. At Record level

Say PF1 is having two members MBR1 and MBR2. So, There will
be 5 level identifiers. 1 for PF1, 1 for MBR1, 1 for MBR2
and 1 for RecordFormat(MBR1) and 1 for RecordFormat(MBR2).

When you made changes to RecordFormat of MBR1, then only
Level identifiers of RecordFormat(MBR1) and MBR1 will be

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