Teradata Interview Questions
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What is Join Index in TD and How it works?


6 34076

Please tell me a query to find the Primary key,Foreign key,primary Index,PPI for the Database?

5 25313

Does any body has TERADATA Certification Dumps, if any body is having please let me know to summee4you@gmail.o, it is very Very URGENT to me


25 20407

I have all the TERADATA Certification Dumps for the below: NR0-011, NR0-012, NR0-013, NR0-014 NR0-015 NR0-016, NR0-017 If anyone need it, pls drop me a mail with Code in the mail to: terashish@gmail.com

Cognizant, Deloitte, IBM, Prometric, Syntel,

201 173809

Hi All, can anyone tell me how many types of Skew exists? whats the difference between amp skew,data skew,cpu skew, io skew, delta amp cpu ?

2 13857

Increasing no of amps will increase performance. Is this true?


5 13072

why varchar takes 2 extra bytes?


4 13624

How to copy 1 million records from one DB to another, Which is effective interms of performance?

4 10887

Why MLOAD needs Work Tables?


5 22319

1. generally how many node system will be used by the client. 2. while running mload if the job is aborted/failed at any phase what we have to look after to run the job successfully? 3.i wanted to know how to write the fastload script for table creation as well as table loading in a single script?

3 6212

we have two tables emp,dept.emp has eno,ename,sal and dept has deptno,dname.how to find maxsal of each dept wise.which join used for joining.

Accenture, Cognizant,

5 14413

How can we load single row of data into teradata database. please give me the process.

3 8785

can i call router is a passive transformation

2 4964

what is the difference between filter and router transmissions

2 5488

Hi send me the Teradata dumps to my id rajeshanantha@yahoo.co.in Thanks Rajesh. A


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Un-Answered Questions { Teradata }

Explain PDE.


What are the steps to create a data model?


What are the enhanced features in teradata v2r5 and v2r6?


Name the five phases that come under MultiLoad Utility.


What is a dimension table?


What is the basic syntax for teradata select statement?


Can you connect multiload from ab initio?


When tpump is used instead of multiload?


Can you fastexport a field, which is primary key by putting equality on that key?


Discuss the advantages of using partitioned primary index in a query?


What is bteq script in teradata?


Backup Script was blocked you are unable to archive the data now. how do you analyze it and where do you identify ?


What happens in a conflict? How do you handle that?


Why managing the data is important?


What is the use of having index on table?