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BT Interview Questions
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what tests U'll do when u r doing web testing

3 6627

Use a search engine on "application service provider (ASP)"or other related terms to find what service(s) an ASP provide to its clients who are looking to acquire IT applications.make a note of the name of the ASP and there website address,List a mininmum of six service that are provided by an ASP.

1 3689

What is Join Index in TD and How it works?

6 34250

What is the difference between Lotus Notes 5.0 and Lotus Notes 7.0?


what is the difference between modulation and demodulation

3 26644

What are the Risks involved while testing?

4 6858

How to generate a salary slip like jan 1000 1000 feb 1000 2000 ... dec 1000 12000


What is meant by SAP NOTE?

1 2609

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How to deploy war web applications in tomcat?


explain the what is a drive ? 0 4 which type motor r use in the celling fan..... PCB plannet 2 13 If stator & rotor of a 3-phase induction motor have different no. of poles, will the motor run or not?? types of drives Why dc supply is used for closing and tripping coil of ht breakers. What happen if we use only ups ac supply only. ACC 1 41 how the 3phase induction motor is running in 2phase supply with help of capacitor? 1 33 what is the actual difference betwen constructional details and constructional features? 1 20 how does commutator convert a.c to d.c?


In what scenario does the Logical file and Physical file being used?


What is informatica? Why do we need it?


What would you say to your boss if he?s crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks?


How to access sessions in flask?


What are the roles and responsibilities of electrical engineer in cement plant


Your hardware vendor left you voicemail saying that a potential snowstorm in the Midwest might prevent your equipment from arriving on time. She wanted to give you a heads-up and asked that you return the call. Which of the following is true? A. This is a secondary risk, which is an output of Risk Response Planning. B. This is a contingency plan, which is an output of Risk Response Planning. C. This is a risk, which is an output of Risk Identification. D. This is a trigger, which is an output of Risk Identification.


Define the graph data structure?


Does .NET Framework support SAX?


What is the difference between a mutex and a semaphore in Linux?


Do you know how to assign ip address ranges in vpc?


What is xrange in python?


How do I install a windows installed program?


what is compensation? temprature & pressure