Data Warehouse Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

how to create a derived table in designer? i need steps regarding derived table

1 9990

how we can create optional or required parameters in SAS macro...


5 21103

Can the expiration parameter of 365 in the cognos 8 configuration how to increase common symmetric key lifetime in days


How to calculate total memory used my a graph?


1 12823

Is there any function in ab Initio which act like SCAN component

3 20490

If I delete 1 partition (in 8 partition multifile) and run the graph. Will the graph run successfully?, If not what error I'm going to get.

2 14410

Output for sort and dedupsort with NULL key?

6 27517

How many cubes create from a single model?

1 3899

1.How is "Query drill" mode different from standard drill mode?. 2.Under what circumstances are you most likely to choose to use "Query drill" mode instead of standard query mode?. 3.How do you implement the type2 slowly changing dimensions in your project?. 4.what is meant by Junk dimension?. 5.what is meant by Drill across?.

2 4860

Hi all,Can any one provide me Informatica Designer Certification dumps.I need all three papers dumps.If any one has these dumps then plz send it on this id:- Thanks in advance

1 5430

1.What is the difference between _NULL_ , _ALL_, and _N_? 2.What are the uses of _NULL_ using in Data Steps? Can we _NULL_ in Proc Steps also? 3.How do call the macro variable in Data Steps? 4.How to construct Pivot tables in Excel Using SAS?

3 8860

Hello, I need help on passing parameter to Oracle Stored Procedure.I am a oracle DBA,need to use some graphs. I need help to pass date parameter with format YYYYMMDD from Ab Initio to Oracle STored Procedure.How to do that please explain me...

1 9576

How to Create users in cognos Access Manager from 1) front end 2) back end


1 8266

1)How can we do the Union in Report Studio? 2)What is the meaning of Aggregation and Rollup Aggregation? 3)How can we hide the columns in Report Studio and How can we view the hiding Objects? 4)Can we provide joins in Report Studio and in which situation we can go for outer join? 5)If we take a Date Prompt and run it once it will show default data,how can we change it exact 1 month back data?

1 11804

is there any difference between proc summary and proc means?

3 7615

Un-Answered Questions { Data Warehouse }

explain about balanced dimension,


What are the 5 phases in a multiload utility?


What are the data types does SAS contain?


Which sql query platform are you using to communicate with redshift?


What is Star Schema?


What kind of application/services uses Redshift database?


-----------With out using DrillThrough how to do Reports?


What are the steps to import the two data sources in framework manager?


If you need the value of a variable rather than the variable itself what would you use to load the value to a macro variable? : sas-macro


Can you explain kafka connector?


Explain access control?


what are factless facts? And in which scenario will you use such kinds of fact tables.


Define datastores in cognos?


How to create or import flat file definition in to the warehouse designer?


What is "method/1"?