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Un-Answered Questions { Accounting AllOther }

what is balance sheet, capital budgeting, financial statements, current ratio, profit maximization?


How can a Society be converted to a Private Limited Company in the Real Estate Industry and at the same time have the least tax liability upon it's profits earned during the financial year closing


Give me the asset revaluation (at the time of asset value increase & decrease) journal entrys?


How can i do the entry of of service tax in tally.


Sales for ABC Company were Rs.150,000 for 2003.The beginning inventory was 30% of the cost of goods sold.The ending inventory was 50% of the beginning invetory.Selling expenses were 10% of sales and absorbed 30% sales.Income taxes were 30% of net income before taxes.


plz tell me the finance questions asked in hsbc latest question asked in hsbc?


is there any chance for confilcts between an accountant and a sales executive ? If yes how do you resolve the same as an accountant ?


interest paid comes under which head


What is 100% EOu? what is the benifit and what is difficulty of it?


what is cost audit?




What do we mean by the term "Securities" when we say that "Govt injecting/sucking liquidity in/out of the system by buying/selling securities?


Dear Sir/Madam, Executive Trainee...Finance I had been called for NTPC Group discussion and GD please guide me for getting success in GD and interview...


where is suspense entry is entered in tally erp9


In OD Account How Many Interest Paid or Not? and second CC Account How Many Interest Paid or Not?