what is the output on the screen? int n; n=printf("my name is %d",printf("kiran %d",printf("kumar"))); printf("\n %d \n",n);
4 5675Linked list is a Linear or non linear explain if linear how it working as a non linear data structures
1910Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it
ABS, Accenture, HCL, Infosys, Infotech, SoftSolve, Software India, TCS, Vertex, Vimukti Technologies,
5 14589#include
write C code to reverse a string such that if i/p is "abc defg hij klmno pqrs tuv wxyz" and the o/p should be "cba gfed jih onmlk srqp vut zyxw"
2 4796
What is static memory allocation? Explain
Why are algorithms important in c program?
What is the value of a[3] if integer a[] = {5,4,3,2,1}?
Explain what does the characters 'r' and 'w' mean when writing programs that will make use of files?
What is the difference between null pointer and wild pointer?
Does free set pointer to null?
What is chain pointer in c?
The __________ attribute is used to announce variables based on definitions of columns in a table?
What is pivot in c?
What is unsigned int in c?
How pointer is different from array?
What does %d do in c?
how can use subset in c program and give more example
Explain the difference between malloc() and calloc() in c?
can we implement multi-threads in c.