C Interview Questions
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write a prgram of swapping with 2 valiables

6 5378

Why c++ is called c++ and not c+?


9 28743

how to set Nth bit of a variable?

1 7274

what is the output on the screen? int n; n=printf("my name is %d",printf("kiran %d",printf("kumar"))); printf("\n %d \n",n);


4 5329

what is the output of below int n=10; (n++)++; printf("%d",n);

3 9180

why we need function pointers?

3 5535

how to find your architecture is LittleEndian or BigEndian?

1 4045

Linked list is a Linear or non linear explain if linear how it working as a non linear data structures


Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it

ABS, Accenture, HCL, Infosys, Infotech, SoftSolve, Software India, TCS, Vertex, Vimukti Technologies,

5 14138

write a program wch produces its own source code aas its output?


1 6599

write a program which will count occurance of a day between two dates.


1 6162

how to set Nth bit of variable by using MACRO


3 25802

#include void main() { int a,b,c; a=b=c=1; c=++a || ++b && ++c; printf("%d\t%d\t%d",a,b,c); }

3 8519

write C code to reverse a string such that if i/p is "abc defg hij klmno pqrs tuv wxyz" and the o/p should be "cba gfed jih onmlk srqp vut zyxw"

2 4512

diff .between strcture and union

2 3761

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hai iam working in sap sd module for one year and working in lumax ind ltd in desp department but my problem is i have done m.b.a in hr/marketing and working sap sd there is any combination it. can you give right solution of my problem. and what can i do?


What is c language & why it is used?


What is the difference between declaring a variable and defining a variable?


Why does not c have an exponentiation operator?


Draw a diagram showing how the operating system relates to users, application programs, and the computer hardware ?


What is hashing in c?


Can we change the value of constant variable in c?


Does c have function or method?


Write a program on swapping (100, 50)


How are Structure passing and returning implemented by the complier?


what is a function method?give example?


Explain what could possibly be the problem if a valid function name such as tolower() is being reported by the c compiler as undefined?


What is data type long in c?


using only #include and #include Write a program in C that will read an input from the user and print it back to the user if it is a palindrome. The string ends when it encounters a whitespace. The input string is at most 30 characters. Assume the string has no spaces and distinguish between and lowercase. So madam is a palindrome, but MadAm is not a palindrome. Use scanf and %s to read the string. Sample Test: Enter a string: madam madam is a palindrome. Enter a string: 09023 09023 is not a palindrome.


explain what are actual arguments?