Why c++ is called c++ and not c+?

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Why c++ is called c++ and not c+? ..

Answer / pradeep

C++ comes from the ++ operator
+++ operator is used to increment the value by 1. The
developers added some new features to c and named it C++.

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Why c++ is called c++ and not c+? ..

Answer / kiran kumar yakkala

we have already C,
there are some programming languages which offer object
orientation before c++.
designers implemented C language with OOPS concept.
means c++ is nothing but C + 1 feature(OOPS), in C++
environment c++ means c+1. so thats why they named only C++.

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Why c++ is called c++ and not c+? ..

Answer / rajesh,final year.

In c language increment
by 1 is denoted by ++
operator. Hence
development in c is
denoted by c++

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Why c++ is called c++ and not c+? ..

Answer / pavan kumar

The developer Bjarne Stroustrap called it first as
" C with Classes " and later in the year 1983, they changed
the name to " C++" finally.....

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Why c++ is called c++ and not c+? ..

Answer / m abu bakar younas

C++ is called C++ because in C++, ++ is a short hand for adding 1 to a number in programming.It was basically C language.Due to some new feature, its call C++.

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Why c++ is called c++ and not c+? ..

Answer / prashant k s gautam

C++ (pronounced see plus plus) is a statically typed,
free-form, multi-paradigm, compiled, general-purpose
programming language. It is regarded as a "middle-level"
language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level
and low-level language features. It was developed by Bjarne
Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs as an enhancement
to the C programming language and originally named C with
Classes. It was renamed C++ in 1983.

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Why c++ is called c++ and not c+? ..

Answer / hasib

C is based program . The computer only know binary number (0s and 1s)
That is why identifiers not to give one digits , he give two digits follow binary number c++.

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Why c++ is called c++ and not c+? ..

Answer / pavan kumar

This is of because C was developed into C++ in two stages...
the developers were fisrt named as C+ and later it was
finalasied as C++
Thank you....

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Why c++ is called c++ and not c+? ..

Answer / jatinder pal

because it has more hadder file and it also performs more
functions compare to the c?
its not acc to feature but it refers to the developer name?

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 15 No

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