C Interview Questions
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what is array?

8 7101

hi send me sample aptitude papers of cts?


What is macro?


5 6901

Implement a function that returns the 5th element from the end in a singly linked list of integers in one pass.


11 16422

define function

Assurgent, Sonata,

4 5933

what is a headerfile?and what will be a program without it explain nan example?


6 7912

write a program for size of a data type without using sizeof() operator?


22 45509

If we have an array of Interger values, find out a sub array which has a maximum value of the array and start and end positions of the array..The sub array must be contiguious. Take the start add to be 4000. For Ex if we have an array arr[] = {-1,-2,-5,9,4,3,-6,8,7,6,5,-3} here the sub array of max would be {8,7,6,5} coz the sum of max contiguous array is 8+7+6+5 = 26.The start and end position is 4014(8) and 4020(5).

Microsoft, Motorola,

5 9694

write a program to display the array elements in reverse order in c language

16 71895

write a program to find the sum of the array elements in c language?

ICT, Infosys, Wipro,

24 78566

write a program to find the number of even integers and odd integers in a given array in c language

IAI Cameroun, NIIT, Olive Tech, QIS,

13 73322

write a program to search for an element in a given array. If the array was found then display its position otherwise display appropriate message in c language

IT Park, TCS,

18 116567

Write a program to find the smallest and largest element in a given array in c language

Microsoft, Vembu,

11 51639

write a program to display the frequency of each element in a given array in c language

1 9295

write a program to sort the elements in a given array in c language


10 46609

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The OS is a program that uses various data structures. Like all programs in execution, you can determine the performance and other behavior of the OS by inspecting its state - the values stored in its data structures. In this part of the assignment, we study some aspects of the organization and behavior of a Linux system by observing values of kernel data structures exposed through the /proc virtual file system. The /proc virtual file system: Linux uses the /proc file system to collect information from kernel data structures. The /proc implementation provided with Linux can read many different kernel data structures. If you cd to /proc on a Linux machine, you will see a number of files and directories at that location. Files in this directory subtree each corresponds to some kernel data structure. The subdirectories with numeric names contain virtual files with information about the process whose process ID is the same as the directory name. Files in /proc can be read like ordinary ASCII files. You can open each file and read it using library routines such as fgets() or fscanf(). The proc (5) manual page explains the virtual files and their content available through the /proc file system. Requirements in detail: In this part, you are asked to write a program to report the behavior of the Linux kernel. Your program should run in two different versions. The default version should print the following values on stdout: • Processor type • Kernel version • The amount of memory configured into this computer • Amount of time since the system was last booted A second version of the program should run continuously and print lists of the following dynamic values (each value in the lists is the average over a specified interval): • The percentage of time the processor(s) spend in user mode, system mode, and the percentage of time the processor(s) are idle • The amount and percentage of available (or free) memory • The rate (number of sectors per second) of disk read/write in the system • The rate (number per second) of context switches in the kernel • The rate (number per second) of process creations in the system If your program (compiled executable) is called proc_parse, running it without any parameter should print out information required for the first version. Running it with two parameters "proc_parse " should print out information required for the second version. read_rate represents the time interval between two consecutive reads on the /proc file system. printout_rate indicates the time interval over which the average values should be calculated. Both read_rate and printout_rate are in seconds. For instance, proc_parse 2 60 should read kernel data structures once every two seconds. It should then print out averaged kernel statistics once a minute (average of 30 samples). The second version of your program doesn't need to terminate.


What are the loops in c?


Explain pointers in c programming?


What is union in c?


Explain what does the function toupper() do?


What does %d do in c?


code for quick sort?


What does return 1 means in c?


How can I read a binary data file properly?


What are examples of structures?


What is wrong with this program statement? void = 10;


What are structure members?


What are the back slash character constants or escape sequence charactersavailable in c?


main() { int i = 10; printf(" %d %d %d ", ++i, i++, ++i); }