If we have an array of Interger values, find out a sub array
which has a maximum value of the array and start and end
positions of the array..The sub array must be contiguious.
Take the start add to be 4000.

For Ex if we have an array arr[] =

here the sub array of max would be
{8,7,6,5} coz the sum of max contiguous array is 8+7+6+5 =
26.The start and end position is 4014(8) and 4020(5).

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If we have an array of Interger values, find out a sub array which has a maximum value of the array..

Answer / monica

Well this is not an answer to the question but the solution
given in the example is wrong. Wont the subarray that gives
the max sum be {9,4,3,-6,8,7,6,5} whose sum is 36???

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 0 No

If we have an array of Interger values, find out a sub array which has a maximum value of the array..

Answer / sowmya

# include<stdio.h>
int main()
int i,j,k,sum[30],l,z =0,num = 0,sub,len;
int a[30],index[15][15],temp;
sum[z] = 0;
printf("\n Enter the Max.no. of elements to be
entered in the array :\n");
printf("\n Enter the array Values : \n");
for(i = 0;i <len;i++)
k = len/2;
l = i+k;
if(num == k)
for(j =i;j<l;j++)
sum[z] = sum[z]+a[j];
else printf("\n num <3!");
sum[z] = 0;
num = 0;
j = 0;
for(i = 0 ;i <z;i++)
printf(" sum[%d] = %d\n",i,sum[i]);
index[j][i] = sum[i];
for(i = 0;i<z;i++)
for(j = i+1;j<z;j++)
if(sum[i] < sum[j])
temp = sum[i];
sum[i] = sum[j];
sum[j] = temp;
j= 0;
for(i = 0;i<z;i++)
if(index[j][i] == sum[0])
sub = i;
printf(" Sub array of max. sum = { ");
for(i = sub;i<sub+k;i++)
printf(" %d ",a[i]);
return 0;


Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

If we have an array of Interger values, find out a sub array which has a maximum value of the array..

Answer / manoj

Another approach

# include<stdio.h>

struct index {
int sum;
int start;
int end;

int main()
struct index sumidx[30],*tmp;

int i,j,z =0,len;
int a[30];

printf("\n Enter the Number of elements to be entered
in the array :\n");

printf("\n Enter the array Values : \n");

for(i = 0;i <len - 1;i++)
sumidx[z].sum = a[i];
sumidx[z].start = i;
sumidx[z].end = i;

if(sumidx[z].sum < (sumidx[z].sum + a[j]))
sumidx[z].sum = sumidx[z].sum + a[j];
sumidx[z].start = i;
sumidx[z].end = j;


tmp = sumidx;

for(i = 0;i<z;i++)
if(sumidx[i].start != sumidx[i].end)
if(tmp->sum < sumidx[i].sum)
tmp = sumidx+i;
printf("\n sum = %d start = %d end

return 0;


Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

If we have an array of Interger values, find out a sub array which has a maximum value of the array..

Answer / vadivelt

Hi All,

I hope the code which i have written ll give the exact

Note: Compiler used is visual Studio 2005

Eg: if the the no of elemet is 12 and the elements are -1,-
2,5,6,-4,7,8,9,-3,10,20,-4 then output(sub array) should
contain the elements 10
and 20.

int MakeSubArray(int *ptr, int size);

int array[100];
int subarray[10], Index, no, j, k;
scanf("%d", &no);
printf("\nENTER THE ELEMENTS\n");
for(j = 0; j<no; j++)
scanf("%d", &array[j]);
Index = MakeSubArray(&array[0],no);
printf("\nSTART POSITION\n%d", &array[Index]);
printf("\n\nSUB ARRAY ELEMENT(S) \n");
for(j = Index, k = 0; (array[j] >= 0) && (j < no);
j++, k++)
subarray[k] = array[j];
printf("%d ", subarray[k]);
printf("\n\nEND POSITION\n%d", &array[j-1]);

int MakeSubArray(int *ptr, int size)
int i, flag = 0, sum = 0, sum1 = 0, index = 0,
if(ptr != '\0' && size > 0)
for(i = 0; i <size; i++)
if(ptr[i] >= 0)
if(flag == 0)
index = i;

sum = sum + ptr[i];
if(flag > 0 && sum1 < sum)

index1 = index;
sum1 = sum;

sum = 0;
flag = 0;
/*If the last element is non zero and it is part of
sub array then this condition is useful*/
if(flag > 0 && sum1 < sum)
index1 = index;
return index1;

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

If we have an array of Interger values, find out a sub array which has a maximum value of the array..

Answer / kyle

Here's another way...
Btw this way gets the correct answer of {9,4,3,-6,8,7,6,5}
with a sum of 36.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

struct index {
int start;
int finish;
int sum;

int main()
// Init and setup variables
struct index max; // Max values
struct index cur; // Current values
int avg = 0; // Average values
int len = 0; // Array length
int* a = NULL; // The array
int i;

//Get values
printf("Enter the number of variables in the array:");
scanf("%d", &len);

array = malloc(len*sizeof(int));

if( array == NULL )
printf("Error: Out of memory");
return 0;

for(i=0; i<len; ++i)
avg += a[i];
avg /= len; // Compute average

max.start = max.finish = 0;
max.sum = a[0];

for(i=0; i<len && max.finish != len; ++i)
cur.start = cur.finish = i;
cur.sum = a[i];
while( cur.sum > avg && cur.finish < len )
if( cur.sum > max.sum )
max.start = cur.start;
max.finish = cur.finish;
max.sum = cur.sum;
if( cur.finish < len )
cur.sum += a[cur.finish];

printf("\n Max sum = %d, start = %d, finish = %d\n",
max.sum, max.start, max.end);
return 0;

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

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