Software Interview Questions
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What publications based on UI UX do you read?

1 83

. Sell us on the ROI of investing in UI UX Design.

1 77

Tell us about some of the projects that have been your favorite.

1 70

What is your research methodology?

1 69

What are some of your favorite designs in apps and websites?

1 76

How would you improve the UX design of our product?

1 67

What is the difference between UX and UI design?

1 77

. How do you manage timelines?

1 79

What skills do you think are necessary for a UI UX Designer?

1 78

Who is your inspiration in this field?

1 79

. Run us through your design process.

1 84

Show us an example of a design that can solve a business problem.

1 75

What would help with feature-related decisions?

1 80

What is the methodology to follow in collaboration with other team members like researchers, product managers, and developers?

1 84

What is SEO in digital marketing?

1 13

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