Software Interview Questions
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Write a C++ Program to Display Number (Entered by the User).

1 264

Identify the error in the following program. #include void main() { int i = 0; i = i + 1; cout « i « " "; /*comment *//i = i + 1; cout << i; }

1 249

Write a program to display the following output using a single cout statement Maths=90 Physics=77 Chemistry = 69

2 654

Write a C++ Program to find Square Root of a number using sqrt() function.

1 428

Write a C++ Program to Find Sum and Average of three numbers.

1 270

Write a program to read two numbers from the keyboard and display the larger value on the screen

1 326

Write a C++ Program to Find whether given Number is Odd or Even.

1 393

Write a C++ Program to Reverse a Number using while loop.

1 378

Write a program to input an integer from the keyboard and display on the screen “WELL DONE” that many times.

1 783

Write a C++ Program to Find Sum and Average of n numbers using for loop.

1 406

Write a program to read the values a, b and c and display x, where x=a/b–c. Test the program for the following values: (a) a = 250, b = 85, c = 25 (b) a = 300, b = 70, c = 70

1 550

Identify the error in the following program. include using namespace std; void main() { int num[]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; num[1]==[1]num ? cout<<"Success" : cout<<"Error"; }

1 395

Identify the errors in the following program. #include using namespace std; void main() { int i=5; while(i) { switch(i) { default: case 4: case 5: break; case 1: continue; case 2: case 3: break; } i-; } }

1 567

Write a C++ Program to Check Whether a character is Vowel or Consonant.

2 334

Write a C++ Program to find Addition of Two Numbers.

1 277

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