Software Interview Questions
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What is a Pseudo element? What is pseudo-class?

1 399

How do you specify units in the CSS?. What are the different ways to do it?

1 417

Does margin-top or margin-bottom have an effect on inline elements?

1 607

Explain CSS position property?

1 510

What does DOM reflow occur?

1 503

Different Box Sizing Property?

1 482

How to center align a div inside another div?

1 510

Can you name the four types of @media properties?

1 486

What is the grid system?

1 484

What does the :root pseudo-class refer to?

1 458

What does Accessibility (a11y) mean?

1 471

How do I restore the default value of a property?

1 423

Difference between CSS grid vs flexbox?

1 446

How does Calc work?

1 549

What do CSS Custom properties variables mean?

1 476

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is difference between ng if and ng show?


how do you control the max size of a heap table? : Sql dba


Are arrays passed by reference in java?


What is scroll select, etc?


Explain when should you use classification over regression?


What are keywords?


How do you delete multiple cells in excel?


Tell me what is the difference between the observers and callbacks in ruby on rails?


What are the types of assertions there in selenium?


We Only Know The Total Number Of Feet In The Farmyard. Write A Program that will compute the total number of rabbits and chickens in the farmyard. Assume number of feet in the farmyard are 40. how many rabbits and chickens are?


What is the difference between input split and hdfs block?


Explain what is mvc architecture?


How do I allow a table to break across pages?


How can you see a silverlight application in full-screen mode?


Difference between Function to pointer and pointer to function