Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

I have one selection screen field which is meant for only display what will you do

2 6999

I want to give a input/output field on list, where can i define it.

1 4451

what is difference between c and C#

MCN Solutions,

12 39031

How can i insert a field in script without using executable program

1 3494

What does the tester do in automated testing?

1 3794

What are the benefits of automated testing over white box and black box testing?

1 5099

Name three types of tests that should be automated.

2 4755

Name three types of tests that should NOT be automated.

2 6281

What are the four steps of automated testing?

1 5269

What is an IDE?

3 7682

What are the three aspects of GUI software to test for with WinRunner?

1 3730

What are the two ways to create test scripts?

2 5086

What are the four steps to record a test script?

3 5618

Why position WinRunner and the AUT so they do not overlap?

1 3343

What icon is used in WinRunner to get an explanation of the syntax of TSL?


Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is differed processing?


How to connect the .accdb database file of microsoft access to the Visual Basic 6.0 forms?


Can a static library (.a) contain resources like images, sound files etc?


How many functions are there in excel?


How do I open the toolbox in visual studio?


How can we explain our project in interview panel?


How to build data dictionary view an new database?


How is sap srm linked with sap mm?


Is html5 a programming language?


Why is it called gnu?


How does quality control differ from quality assurance?


Is there a way to refresh browser using selenium?


For what purposes lasso tool can be used?


How to select a database?


How can I speed up my spark?