How to calculate the fuel consumption for 600kva DG genset which connecting with 25%load?
Which method cannot be overridden?
What are the units of ph?
Explain the difference between numeric and decimal data types in sybase.
Explain how to detect if my application is exiting so I can save state?
What are rcw?
Explain repository in apache ambari?
Is chrome os based on linux?
Can you still use microsoft word after subscription expires?
What is Backing stores in the Naming Service?
What do we mean by the term "Securities" when we say that "Govt injecting/sucking liquidity in/out of the system by buying/selling securities?
Is Phenoxyethanol harmful?
for -50 dec which grade steel can be used for ducting work?
What are disadvantages of an ad-hoc network?
What are default access rights in teradata? What explicit right can be given to a user?