where the object repository is located?how to choose the
object repository as shared or action object repositories?

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where the object repository is located?how to choose the object repository as shared or action obje..

Answer / c.chaitanyakumar

Object Repositary is located at toolsmenu---->Object
Reportory, it is stord behalf the tool. object Repositaries
are two types

`1.Shared Object Reporsitary
2.Per-Action Object Repositary

Shared is used for store the object for entire Application,
maans. its create only one object Repositary for entire
Per-Action is created individual Object Repositaries for
each action in Test.

if you want to change the object repositary (per-action to
shared or shared to peraction) at the time of creating new
Test only.
Navigation: Test menu--->Settings--->ResourceTab---> Object
Repositary(here we can change the per-action to shared
object repositary vice-varsa)

We can't change object Repositaries of exist tests from per-
action to shared Object Repositary vice-varsa

we can call the actions at that time calling and called
action having same object repositaries. otherwise it does
not support.

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where the object repository is located?how to choose the object repository as shared or action obje..

Answer / uday kumar_anem

Where the OR is located is based on the type of the OR your
action is using.
If you are using per-action OR, then it wil b stored with
your action.
For ex: say if you are working on an action1 in your test1,
then the OR will be saved with test1\action1\resource.mtr

If it is shared OR, then whatever you selected the OR, is
the path of your shared OR.

you can choose the OR type by below navigation:
Test menu->Settings->ResourceTab-> Object Repositary

Note : You can choose shared OR only if the action/test
doest not contain any objects(in other cases shared OR
radio button is disabled)

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where the object repository is located?how to choose the object repository as shared or action obje..

Answer / subhan.qa

hi chitanya thnx for giving this answer but am asking in
real time where the object repositories are going to be
saved.for example if the action object repositories is saved
in some folder.when we are working with that action how to
access the object repository?and am asking same for shared
one also?

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where the object repository is located?how to choose the object repository as shared or action obje..

Answer / sridhar v

per-action OR: If you are using per-action OR, then it wil
be stored with
your action where the test is saved
For ex: say if you are working on an action1 in your test1,
then the OR will be saved with test1\action1\resource.mtr

Shared OR : You need to click on Resource tab->Object
Resouce Manager->capture objects and click on Save in
perticular path ex d:\Sridhar\SOR.tsr

Now this SOR.tsr can be associated to any actions or tests.
Resource->Associate Object Reporsitory->Assocate to action1

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