What is pairwise testing?

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What is pairwise testing?..

Answer / arif

All-pairs testing or pairwise testing is a combinatorial
testing method that, for each pair of input parameters to a
system tests all possible discrete combinations of those

Is This Answer Correct ?    36 Yes 3 No

What is pairwise testing?..

Answer / bhagawati

Pairwise (a.k.a. all-pairs) testing is an effective test
case generation technique that is based on the observation
that most faults are caused by interactions of at most two
factors. Pairwise-generated test suites cover all
combinations of two therefore are much smaller than
exhaustive ones yet still very effective in finding defects.

There are also some automated tools to generate pairwise
combinations like TestersDesk.com.

Suggested links:

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

What is pairwise testing?..

Answer / the good dr.

Arif and Bhagawati are correct.

Pairwise testing is the simplest form of combinatorial testing. Another way to state what Arif and Bhagawati have correctly stated is that a primary goal of pair-wise testing is to achieve 100% coverage of potential dual-mode-faults.

More sophisticated combinatorial testing methods can also guarantee 100% coverage of all potential triple-mode-faults, 100% coverage of all potential quadruple-mode-faults, etc.

If you are interested in finding out more, a recommended site is CombinatorialTesting.com

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

What is pairwise testing?..

Answer / ananth

if we choose any two column in the array and all the
combinations of numbers will appear in those column.
this applied in software testing which helps us to eliminate
duplicate cases.

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What is pairwise testing?..

Answer / rekha

pair wise tsing is an effective test care genertion
technique that is based on the observation that most
faults are caused by interaction of atmost two
factors. pairwise testsuite cover all combinations of two
therefore are much smaller than exhaustive ones yet still
very effective in finding defects.

paurwise testing is a adhoc / monkey testing techniques used
in case of lack of time, lack of documentation, lack of
skills, lack of resources etc.
the lest lead will use this tech due to lack of time . they
will make a tester as a pair with developer. they both cont
testing nd coding parallel.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 8 No

What is pairwise testing?..

Answer / klpraveen66

testing a single programe by one pair is nothing but
pairwise testing(Eg for pair:two testers,1developer and 1
tester,or end user and tester).

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 15 No

What is pairwise testing?..

Answer / ch.s.m.prasad,kkd

Due to lack of knowledge senior testing engineers are
grouped with junior testing engineers to share their

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 23 No

What is pairwise testing?..

Answer / dhanu

TO conduct the testing senior tester with the help of
junior tester is called pairwise testing.This much of
testing is conducting when the time is less for testing

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 31 No

What is pairwise testing?..

Answer / satyaprasad

pair testing is one type of ad-hoctesting due to lack of
domain knowledge junior testers are paired up with the
senior testers ,called pair testing .

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 31 No

What is pairwise testing?..

Answer / udaykumar

In pairwise testing, two testers combinly working on the
same system for the same project.
The main aim of pairwise testing is, to exchange of ideas
between the testers.
The sucess of pairwise testing depends on coordination
between the testers.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 42 No

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