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Crea Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What is way of writing testcases for database testing?

1 3580

What we normally check for in the Database Testing

2 5158

What SQL statements have you used in Database Testing?

1 3848

Explain Automation Vs Manual Testing?

1 3568

Explain The test development life cycle?

1 3603

1. Define the following along with examples a. Boundary Value testing b. Equivalence testing c. Error Guessing d. Desk checking e. Control Flow analysis

1 5049

You find that there is a senior tester who is making more mistakes than the junior testers. You need to communicate this aspect to the senior tester. Also, you don’t want to loose this tester. How should one go about the constructive criticism?

1 3367

Your manager has taken you onboard as a test lead for testing a web-based application. He wants to know what risks you would include in the Test plan. Explain each risk factor that would be a part of your test plan

1 4966

What is parallel testing and when do we use parallel testing? Explain with example?

1 4580

What is the difference between testing Techniques and tools? Give examples

1 14266

Explain about Loop Testing methodology?

1 20756

When we use Comparison Testing ?

2 4774

what is major challenges in Real time system testing? Explain the way of Testing for Real-Time Systems.

1 6195

some major negative test cases to break the sign up page having username password, email, url address field and some check box selection options ?

1 9664

What makes a good QA or Test Manager?

1 3686

Post New Crea Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Is objective-c is used in window also?


Can any one give an explanation about rating factors of cable? if we are laying the cable on the air with an temp 15 degree then rating factors will be 1.15 and if we are laying the cable on the air an temp 60 degree then rating factor will be 0.76 please describe it and what is the difference between rating factor and derating factor?


What are a portion of the distinctions in report creating capacities between utilizing a live or direct question association, for example, to an Analysis Services demonstrate, in respect to working with a data display nearby to the Power BI Desktop document?


What are some other public key cryptosystems ?


what is the bani fit of ss7 by using as a back bone for all other communication networks?


Why default constructor is required in hibernate?


What is the difference between host and ip address?


'A' is running a manufacturing set up. 'B' sends raw material (after paying CST) to 'A' for manufacutre of his specified product and 'A' keeps 'B's stock in his godown. Can 'A' buy this material from 'B' by raising a CREDIT MEMO and in the books regularises by passing Journal Entry Dr.Raw material inventory and Cr. 'B's Account.


What are the types of tables in database?


What are sql functions?


Discuss the different database types in SQL Azure?


Explain the difference between jquery-x.x.x.js and jquery.x.x.x min.js?


In which file we can configuration in zend framework?


Explain what are global variables and explain how do you declare them?


Can hive run without hadoop?