what is major challenges in Real time system testing?
Explain the way of Testing for Real-Time Systems.

what is major challenges in Real time system testing? Explain the way of Testing for Real-Time Syst..

Answer / guest

The major challenges in Real time systems is.....

1.The time-dependent nature of real-time applications

2.The timing of the data and the parallelism of the tasks

3.In many situation test data for real-time system may
produce errors when the system is in one state but to in

So the following way we have to approch in real time system

Task testing: The first stage is to test independently the
tasks of the real-time software.

Behavioural testing: Using system models produced with
CASE tools the behaviour of the real-time system and
examine its actions as a result of external events.

Intertask testing: Once errors in individual tasks and in
system behaviour have been observed testing passes to time-
related external events.

Systems testing: Software and hardware are integrated and a
full set of systems tests are introduced to uncover errors
at the software and hardware interface.

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