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Crea Manual Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is crud testing ?

1 3746

Explain a sample testing cycle?

1 4477

What are the GUI Test Cases for calculator?

2 9340

what is sanity testing and smoke testing?

3 5191

What is the difference between quality assurance and quality control?

4 5731

Define Non-functional testing?

2 5987

What is Verification and Validation ?

4 6054

Testing mainly in Verification or Validation ?

4 4739

What steps are needed to develop and run software tests?

1 4624

What are levels in testcases in order to avoid duplication efforts ?

2 6366

Mainly how many types of reviews are present?and what is the importence of reviews?

4 5013

What is the responsibility of programmers vs QA?

2 4318

What is Arthogonal Array Testing Strategy ?

1 3740

What is actually contain test report?

1 3576

How will you review the test case and how many types are there ?

1 4388

Post New Crea Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is meant by logistic regression?


how you burst the reports? If you are bursted reports is not reached to destination how you identify?when you import data into catalog you have complex columns do you change the name of those columns?


Different between back cross and test cross


How to update table using module?


Explain core data.


What is one light second?


What is the use of viewmodel in mvc?


Explain the difference between the registerwellknownservicetype(), registerwellknownclienttype(), registeractivatedservicetype() and registeractivatedclienttype() in .net?


what r the job openings SAS for fresher graduates !


What is itemgetter in python?


What is use of abstract class in c#?


code for connection from windows forms to sql server


Can you please explain what is the difference between string and symbol?


Please some one tell me what is the VAT or WCT rate for works contract at Tripura


What is jsp in html?