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Crea Interview Questions
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what is the role of QA in all the phases of SDLC?

1 4352

what is performance testing?

2 3871

what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?

1 4042

How do we find Effectiveness of Test Cases ?

1 3698

what is advantages and disadvantages of the Waterfall Model and V-Model ?

1 4008

Diff b/w test case and test script?

1 3940

How to test the functional specification?

1 3574

How load testing is different from regression testing?

2 3966

what is meant by Priority and Severity?

2 4669

What is Defect Leakage?What Gap Analysis? What are the functioanl requirements to test the Software? What is Latency bug?

1 8127

There are 100 test cases. And you got a bug at 85th test case. You reported it to dev. and dev. fixed that bug. when you are doing regression testing from which test case u'll do testing?? will start from 85 th test case are u'll execute 100 test cases?

2 5421

How will you link the Defect to the Test case? Explain Bug life cycle ?

1 4292

Please give me any example of High severity and Low priority type of bug ?

3 4931

Give the example for high severity high priority high severity low priority low severity high priority low severity low priority ?

1 4414

What is the outcome of integration testing?

1 3602

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Where should I put dll files in windows 7?


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What is "typeerror: 'module' object is not callable"?


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what are the special characters in xml ?


How fuel consumption can be calculated?


What are server-side includes?


how can you enable flashback feature?


Can we return resultset in java?


Which elements can occur only once and must be present?


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