When we use Comparison Testing ?

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When we use Comparison Testing ?..

Answer / ramyab.mca@gmail.com


Under certain situations the reliability of the software is
critical. In these situations redundant software and
hardware is often used to ensure continuing functionality.
When redundant software is produced separate software
engineering teams produce independent versions of an
application using the same applications. In this context
each version can be tested with the same test data to
ensure they produce the same output. These independent
versions are the basis of a black box testing technique
known as comparison testing. Other black box testing
techniques are performed on the separate versions and it is
assumed if they produce the same output they are assumed to
be identical. However, if this is not the case then they
are examined further.

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When we use Comparison Testing ?..

Answer / n@n!

testing the compatability between existing product and
competator product.

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