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Crea Manual Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is data base testing, explain with example

1 3481

what is a broken link in web testing and how test it.

2 4447

How to explian the V model ?

1 3851

Mapping the test cases with the requirement. What is this process called?

1 3712

write the test cases on prime number with result?

1 6565

How to create Test Cases Based on Test Plan ? Is there any approach following for creation of test cases?

1 4112

What is the main diff. between Retesting and Regression Testing ?

2 5151

If there is no sufficent time for testing & u have to complete the testing then what will u do?

1 3517

What is Test Strategy and Test Plan..what is the Diff.between those?

2 4043

Explain a bug which if you have missed could have created a big problem?

1 3610

How to run the Data Base Testing Manually ?

1 3528

How do we decide that testcases covers all the requirements?

1 3484

How u prepare Test data in testing process???

1 3666

Explain Equivalence Partitioning ?

2 4061

Explain Boundary value analysis?

1 3840

Post New Crea Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Name the various types of tables spaces.


Difference between rdbms and associative data model?


What are the different ways to use different colors for different links or same link?


Will customers continue to receive support for older versions of sap bw?


What are the main classification of inverter?


how to check the version of django?


How do I insert a form field in word?


Will sql server 2005 allow you to reduce the size of a column?


how will you handle two very important companies at the same time same day?


How many ways can we share a record?


What are the major benefits of sap fscm?


Enlist advantages and disadvantages of statelessness?


What is long in python?


What is Video Streaming in .net??


What is Distributed testing? How does UFT support it?