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Covansys Interview Questions
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what is winrunner framework

1 5762

What are the different roles of testers in Verification and Validation?

2 6224

in one report using two layout models.if yes how to do

4 8911

wa is connection pooling? how do u create connection pooling?wat is use connection pooling?

1 5480

SQL: 1. Write a queryto retrieve the author who was published a book at the youngest age? 2. write a query to retrieve the no. of books published a each year in various languages? 3. write a query to retrieve no. of books published by them only those authors who have published more than 1 book? 4. write a query to retrieve who has not published any books during the year 2006? 5. write a query to retrieve the authors who has published any books during the birth date write this query in 2 ways 1)joins 2)sub query 6. write a query to retrieve all the books which was published during jan 2007 & title containing India or published in the language hindi? 1. table name is liberary managemnt and two column is there one is authors and another one is books . 2.four fields will comes under authours like nationality, birthdate ,first-language,second-language 3.four fields will comes under books like authour,title ,language,publish date to write query using this details

4 7022

How to test CICS, MainFrame applications

12 27779

what is port testing and do it comes in manual testing?


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What is the size of a cell?


what is lod and loq ?,why use k2cr2o7 , kcl h2so4 in uv calibration ?,why use benzophenone & caffene acetone in hplc calibration ?,what is leading peak in hplc ?why we do the calibration of limit of stry light in hplc & uv ?


What is null? Will digit zero and an empty string consider as null?


Explain the procss about angular project bootstrap?


Is linq orm?


How can you differentiate server crash and server hang?


What is dynamic xpath?


How can you create a Task Notifications Workflow in SharePoint?


What do sale t-code stand for?


How does overpopulation effect ecological balance?


What is a constant and types of constants in c?


How to execute a stored procedure?


Does python have do-while loop statements?


I have all the primary data files, secondary data files as well as logs. Now, tell me can I still restore the database without having a full backup? : sql server database administration


How do you configure and manage a windows server 2008 core installation?