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Covansys QA Concepts Interview Questions
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What is the cost of quality?

5 11713

What are points should consider at the time of reviews?

1 6317

What is test execution/efficiency metrics?

2 14164

if the requrements are not there in the specifications then how will you write the test scenario& test Cases

7 10770

Whats'the difference between Seviroty and priority .. Please answer in the follwoing way ? 1) Who will give the priority and Sevirity (ex - client/users and testers/developers) ? 2) If the client wants to give a high importance to an issue and for that the QA and developement don't think that much importance then how would be the situation ? 3) If a high sevirity issue is there but another issues is there with high priority .. Then which issue will be fixed first and vice versa ?

8 10519

hi, they have given 2 tables to write quries in SQL SERVER 2000 based on table as follows . 1st table :author: COLUMNS AS FOLLOWS pk. AUTHOR F_NAME DOB NATIONALITY 2ND TABLE BOOKS: COLUMNS AS FOLLOWS; PK ISDN F.K AUTHOR LANGUAGE PUBLISH_DATE; 1) RETRIVE author who is indian and hindi write in a) as joins b) sub quries 2)retrive who is younger author ; 3)retrive author who wrote more than one book in different language. 4)retrive author who has wrote in different language in each year write all queries in sql for sql server


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Explain the steps in creating number sequence?


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What is Mikrotik Nstreme or Ubiquiti AirMAX modes?


What is the use of microsoft visual c++ 2015 redistributable?


How to use transactions efficiently : transact sql


Explain filter filter angularjs?


Explain about websphere packages?


What is the size of .net object?


What is accounting access?


what are safety measures in /control in diesal engine/ explain them?


What are the functions of different probes used in cro?


What is .net remoting?


what is singleton class in java?


What are the states of the object in hibernate?


how will mapping between testcases and requirments(tracebility matrix) in manual testing without using any bug tracking tool