What is the default replication factor in Hadoop and how will you change it?
For what purpose null pointer used?
How do I mix jsp and ssi #include?
Why use jQuery filter() Methods?
What are the key components of automation anywhere architecture?
How many types of random variables are available? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
What will happen if you try to update record in after trigger context?
What is jws and jwe?
How do you define a set in java?
Single line diagrams for star to delta and DOL starters.
if calibration of 12 bowl dissolution apparatus does not meet a single stage procedure how you can proceed calibration
What is bootstrapping in angular?
What is a final variable?
What is an acyclic graph?
need answer interviewer will ask me about all project which i mention in resume or presently i'm working??please reply tomorrow is my interview