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Covansys QTP Interview Questions
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One build is delivered. in that build button name is submit. but in the next buit that name of the button changed as login.are u continue with previous recorded script or u make any changes?

6 7793

we are submitting data one form to another form.defaultly it is time period set as 5sec. but it is taken 15sec what to do

5 8648

how to get the object property

4 7515

what happen in object repository(shared)if we call an existing action from an external action ? and what happen in object repository(peraction)if we call an existing action from an external action ?

2 14474

How to Test the mainframe application?(tell me few basic things)

1 17220

we have a link in a website or webtable How can we record link in that table or site? link is not static we don't know exact location of that link? how ? if u know pls give reply with script also?

6 14012

we have one text box and one list box(list box appear in same page or another page) what ever the text enter in text box that must be displyed in list box as first one. for example if we enter 10 in text box that is the 1st item in list box . after that we enter 11 then 11 is the 1st item and 10 is 2nd item. the maximum limit of list box is 10 items. if we enter 11th item the 10th item is deleted and llth one is add as 1st one and 9th one goes to 10th position

3 6406

which checkpoint we use to validate yahoo login screen window after login with ur id and password in qtp

8 11246

what is main diff of qtp8.2 and qtp9.0?

1 3891

what are the frame work models of qtp?which frame work you follow in your company?and explain it process?


when will you do debug your script? and explain that process?


If an application name is changing frequently i.e while recording it has name “Window1” and then while running its “Windows2” in this case how does QTP handle?

7 10830

you are recording on "WINDOW 1", say it has a link if you click on that, that leads you to "WINDOW 2". If you do any manipulations on "WINDOW 2" that are automatically updated in to "WINDOW 1". But "WINDOW 1" is currently invisible. But the updations in "WINDOW 1" must also be recorded as a script in QTP. The best Example is if you update your resume in JOB STREET portal it actually happens in other window, but the previous window is automatically updated. Now does QTP help you in this types of situations? Any body can answer this question. please..... Siva


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Un-Answered Questions

Write an sql to find all records having all numeric characters in a field ?


What is aggregate table and aggregate fact table ... Any examples of both?


What is the difference between angular and node.js?


What is a category in objective c?


Can any object be stored in a viewstate in .net?


what is maxdna ?. explain about the software details.


If anyone has failed at this job, why did they fail? What mistakes did they make?


What do you mean by passport authentication?


What is an example of intraspecific competition?


what are the new trends / methodologies in QA for SW product testing


Tell about NABARD and its working?


how do you define your key team members?


What firewall setting is required to manage client computers such as vista clients and windows 2008 member servers?


What is the relationship between the life cycle of an asynctask and an activity? What problems can this result in? How can these problems be avoided?


Why do you prefer selenium automation tool?