You need to move data or databases between servers. What steps will you take?
Cello pen gross value is 935.89 for 12 nos 14.5% tax
What is meant by jdbc and odbc?
what is use of book mark in excel ? send answer in my id
What does sorted do in python?
What is variable declaration and definition in c?
What are c# attributes and its significance?
In case of any eventuality, who is your next of kin?
What is an immutable object? How do you create one in java?
Explain what are its uses in c programming?
Please explain how long does it take you to process a day's charges? : insurance health
Does the table of contents count as a page?
What are the differences between copy and retain?
What happens when we invoke a method on a nil pointer?
What is the command used for unpause and pause an instance?