Write an SQL query if u want to select the data from one block which intern reflects in another block ? thanx,do reply
1 5556Post New Covansys SQL Server Interview Questions
Explain syntax for viewing, dropping and disabling triggers?
How to make sure apache pay attention to just one ip deal with on the server?
what is a deadlock? : Sql server database administration
What is tree and its properties?
Explain timestemp datatype in sybase.
Why netstat command is used?
What is a marquee?
Is c++ similar to swift?
How to delet a table in sap. How to move a table from one location to another.
To manage and manipulate the test table what are the sql statements that you have used in database testing?
Just-in-time (jit) compiles the app in the browser, at runtime, as the application loads – this is the standard development approach. Jit is useful for development, but its performance concerns me – how would jit scale for enterprise-level applications?
what is a difference between public and private accounting?
Explain portal architecture.
What is the syntax for ‘call transaction’?
Model a data structure for a DFA that takes an event as parameter and performs a desired action.