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Bhel Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is ELCB?

9 12389

in a plug point why the hole size at the top is large?

9 11666

What is the full form of GSL wire

8 27158

Can we use 11kv Trivector Metre or Energy metre instead 33kv Metre at 33kv Over Head Line metering purpose?

5 7306

Whether the LIGHTNING is AC or DC?

9 16584

What is a soft start?

2 4983

Based on what the rating of machines are provided??(ANswer should in single word)

19 17757

explain the function of brush less dc motor?


what is inverter

12 12741

What is Traction? 1KVA Alternator, How much urrent taken?


two TG running in parallel at equal TG CB tripped in reverse power relay.after tripping found its excitation was on & turbine running at rated speed.Please clearify why that TG tripped in reverse power ?

1 2569

is any body explain me why return current in three phase power system is less then in a red, yellow, blue phases??? as we know Ir+Iy+Ib=In then why nutral wire has less then phase current????

2 5057

if we run a 3 phase machine on two phase what will happend??? given answer with solid reason please


trasformer ratting

2 4275

is there any chance to get shock from the transformer oil at the time of maintenance due to its dielectric property. . ?

6 6946

Post New Bhel Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

Bhel Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the resonant peak?


What is _layout cshtml?


What is sta?


How can I display a percentage-done indication that updates itself in place, or show one of those twirling baton progress indicators?


What is compiled query?


State the difference between delete and delete[].


Why we use stdio h in c?


What are transaction log problems - troubleshooting?


Please anyone give answers for all below questions and help ? realtimers please and please share your knowledge.lot of questions left unanswered.


Which JavaScript objects are not accessible to web worker?


Define channel in ibm websphere mq?


What is 'Fixed' APR and 'Variable' APR?


sir i m reject two time in u.s in spring intake now im taking a date of 1july-2010 in fall intake &im competed my bachlor degree(chem) in jun-2009 so what answer i give to visa officer ask me a what r u doing last 1-year bcoz i have no work expirience


What are the various benefits of using rac architecture?


what is differences between django, pyramid and flask?