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Bhel Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the max demand on your transformer and your company?

10 52926

What are the different sizes of cables for H.T and L.T side of supply?

7 64986

What is the rating of your substation and what are the different types of substations?

5 34791

What is meant by transformer, why it should be used, with out that equipment what happens if we transformed the supply?

12 23627

differance b|w ground, neutral&earth

11 22116

why transformer ratings in kva?

99 218479

what is the difference between earth and neutral?

56 151007

what is the difference b/w winding insulation class and winding temperature class?

6 17360

What quedtion to ask a electrical maintenance technician?

5 20104

capacitor is load free component but why ampare meter shows current when capacitor bank breaker close?

5 13997

why the generating voltage in India is 11kV or why is it be transmitted as multiples of 11

34 116516

why C.T secondary are rated 5A generally?

13 44052

When a square wave is applied to primary of a transformer then what will be output wave form of secondary ?

15 48946

how am i achived model paper to prepratio for bhel exam

2 6014

how to calculate knee point voltage of current transformer?

20 152468

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Bhel Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

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Hi! My OTP script has several bitmap checkpoints included which I check in the test results xml file. The test is for SAP 4.7. I need to save these bitmaps to files or at least export them to the html file using the export function in the test results viewer. Could you please help me with this problem? Thank you in advance! Best regards, Peter


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