Why generator field rheostat is set to maximum position and motor field rheostat is set to minimum?
5 42820why we use condenser in the thermal power plant, althrough the same vapour will be again heated
1814What is the difference between LT CT & HT CT?Can we use indoor type transformer as an outdoor type or vice versa?
2 10563how to calculate induction motor rating (HP) if name plate is missing from motor at site condition ?
6 51369Post New Bhel Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
What is sql basics?
How to move a multi-file database?
Is postgresql cloud based?
write a c program to do the following: a) To find the area of a triangle. b) To convert the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius. c) To convert the time in hours : minutes : seconds to seconds.
What are custom exceptions?
How do I link an external javascript file to html?
Define average demand?
List the differences between supervised and unsupervised learning.
i m sabina . i am rejected in us visa in 29th july and counciler mam say me your colege is exp and choose cheap col and come back. so what i do. i have 2 i20 fairmont and troy . troy is so cheap than fairmont but we arrive in troy aug11 its not posible what i do ?
Under what circumstances do page faults occur?
Does objective-c contain private methods?
What is blob in postgresql?
the first character in the variable name must be an a) special symbol b) number c) alphabet
what difference between args.length and args.length() in command line argument?