suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th

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suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th interview...

Answer / avinash

If u decied to show fake exp be prepare for the
justification at the time of interview and after u got
opportunity for documents and certification. Use technical
langues used while an interview. God bless you. Good

Is This Answer Correct ?    45 Yes 1 No

suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th interview...

Answer / sampath

Show the amount of confidence and the can do attitude and
technical stuff to your best will get you through.Stress on
the concepts of technical language rather than normal
language...and most importantly be positive smiling well
dressed and b brave..

Is This Answer Correct ?    38 Yes 2 No

suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th interview...

Answer / chandu

evry one ...tell me how many companies are taking in
candidates with no experience....if someone has a software
background and if they dont get a job just coz they dont
have exp..what's wrong in showing fake exp as long as they
are capable of facing the interview...but people showing
fake certificates will and cannot succeed as they don't
know the subject...

Is This Answer Correct ?    33 Yes 1 No

suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th interview...

Answer / prashant kumar rai

I think all of u who saying that fake people can't survive in industry,i want to tell them that according to survey of NASCOM in india in every 5 S/W engineer one is fake s/w engineer.So the guys just chill don't care other who saying fake is not good ,and u know one more thing fake experienced guys doing more work than real time people .
So work hard and BEST OF LUCK guys.........................

Is This Answer Correct ?    32 Yes 0 No

suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th interview...

Answer / venkatesh

Hi.. Fake experience is not a sin in these days.

Because all are knows about fake experience.. but why they
are working still?

most of the times companies are looking for experienced
people. but not much about freshers.

one thing we should remember... Risk is the part of life.

i am encouraging the peole, who having good knowledge on
subject even though they having fake experince.

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 0 No

suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th interview...

Answer / god

If you have passed out 2 yrs back from now, then it will
justify your try.

other wise you are not doing justice to yourself.

good luck...

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 4 No

suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th interview...

Answer / hemanth

well said Koyal !!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 2 No

suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th interview...

Answer / j rambo

Now, I have asking all friends to tell truth, as its the tree of life not the shadow that will go off!!
BUt I would really like to ask all the people who ahve suggested so far to say truth!!


If the answer is yes, then I am happy to see someone

I hold forgen univeristy degree!!
but No is respecting my work achivement !!
alll the people in the industries are hired are been refered by the internal employee!!! well that somthng know as recomendation!!that is completely rubbish

Doesnt the HR have no brains (NOt to the HR's who hanvnt done it so far, I appereciate thembeing honest)

dont they remeber they were in the some situation ages ago!!

I Would like to recommend the peoson to do, bcoz the
Wokr culture has spoiled,
the people inside the industrie are corrupted
then there is nothing wrong in doing corrupted act before u get in the corrupted company!!

go ahead F*** them they all just puppets

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 0 No

suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th interview...

Answer / nani

this is not matter of getting jobs with fake exp or real
exp.just knowledge plays pivot role in the software world.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 1 No

suppose i show 2 yrs fake exp. how will i face th interview...

Answer / michael

For these kind of questions, cool dudes are giving cool
answers for fake people.Great!!!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 8 No

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