What is an SCR?

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What is an SCR?..

Answer / gautam_etrx.engg

It is "Sillicon Controlled Rectifier". It's a four layer
device (pnpn) used for controlled firing.

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What is an SCR?..

Answer / balaji

SCR is northing but silicon controlled rectifier used to
convert the AC to Dc upto 6.5 kv.

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What is an SCR?..

Answer / gaurav

SCR is basically a Silicon Controlled Rectifier,
4 layer device pnpn
3 terminal device i.e, Anode , Cathode and Gate.
When anode to Cathode is Forward bias only that time it
Conducts..otherwise it remain in Off state.
Gate is applied to reduce the Forward voltage so that it
conducts for small applied voltage.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

What is an SCR?..

Answer / anand

is mainly used
for reducing
firing angle @ @
applic like soft
starter's etc

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