What is harmonic distortion?how it minimise?

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What is harmonic distortion?how it minimise?..

Answer / chhina

Harmonic distortion is defined as the ratio of the sum of
the powers of all harmonic components to the power of the
fundamental frequency

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What is harmonic distortion?how it minimise?..

Answer / jenjen

Harmonic distortion is the distortion of the fundamental
waveform due to the presence of harmonic components. These
harmonic components are integral multiple of fundamental
Harmonic distortion is the degree to which a waveform
deviates from its pure sinusoidal values as a result of the
summation of all the harmonic components. An ideal sine wave
has zero harmonic components. In that case, there is nothing
to distort this perfect wave.

Total harmonic distortion, or THD, is the summation of all
harmonic components of the voltage or current waveform
compared against the fundamental component of the voltage
or current wave i.e.

Sqrt(sum of square of harmonic components)
THD = -------------------------------------------
Fundamental Component

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What is harmonic distortion?how it minimise?..

Answer / guest

it is a noise introduced when signal generating,it can be
minimised by phase detectors

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What is harmonic distortion?how it minimise?..

Answer / deepthi

Optimized magnetic systems minimize magnetic distortions

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What is harmonic distortion?how it minimise?..

Answer / muniyappan

It's a unwanted signal
to disturb the main
function so this
problem to minimise the
using capacitor filter

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