what is the significance of hook up

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what is the significance of hook up ..

Answer / chinmay

Hook-ups are basically of two types Process Hook-Ups and
Pneumatic Hook-Ups. hook ups give complete information
required for installation of a particular instruments which
indicates cable entries, support details, connection sizes.
It clearly defines the instrumentation scope for
installation and helps in identifying the materials and
accesories required during installation
Process Hook-Ups covers all field instruments installed on
pipelines/vessels and other process equipments and
Pneumatic Hook-ups covers all instruments which require
instrument air to operate

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what is the significance of hook up ..

Answer / sakthivel_eie

it shows how to isolate from process also how it woks

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what is the significance of hook up ..

Answer / ram

Hookup to indicate the how to install the instruments.whether it's stand mounting or direct mounting in this drawing shows dot and stand when the dot indicates direct mounting and stand indicates stand mounting

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