Chemistry Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

how ir specrometer is calibrated ?

1 5505

what is pKa ?

Dr Reddys, Shasun Chemicals,

10 19826

How you can calculate pKa ?

Dr Reddys,

6 16998

what buffer you can select for acidic nature analyte and how ?

Dr Reddys,

2 12853

What is Specificity ?

Dr Reddys,

8 14123

Whya the need of Specificity to do in Analytical Method Validation ?

Dr Reddys,

5 13901

What is the defination of Bulk density?

Dr Reddys,

4 13876

What is the Defination of Tapdensity ?

Dr Reddys, R L Fine Chem,

4 11882

What is the formula for Tapdensity /

Dr Reddys, GR Intrachem,

6 15349

Why use in sodium salicylate in uv lamps calibration

Auctus Pharma, Reddy Labs,

1 5920

Why using Holmium oxide in UV calibration

Dr Reddys, Matrix, Nakoda Chemicals, Orchid,

8 42970

why r u using Holmium Oxide in UV calibration

IPCA, Reddy Labs,

3 16777

Why we are performing wavelength accuracy at lower and higher wavelengths in HPLC calibration

3 13548

How to fix the concentration for RS by HPLC

Intas, Reddy Labs,

10 44149

why we have to use sulphuric acid and nitric acid in heavy metals test procedure

1 5023

Un-Answered Questions { Chemistry }

how to calculate elemental impurities?


What does it mean for a molecule or a ligand to be "chiral"? What properties does chirality impart to a molecule? : Polymer Chemistry


what type of question will ask in the interview of lab chemist.


What is the formula you will use to calculate how many millilitres of 5.5 m naoh are required to prepare 400 ml of 1.5m naoh?


how decide the clining method and cleaning method validation require for this perticular products?


What is colorimetry?


I need organic mixture analysis viva questions & answers


SET Examination Previous Questions


Describe the role of Protactinium in neutron sources and its significance for research in nuclear physics.


which are the diffrent batches in the pharmaceuticals?


Actinium is a radioactive element. How is its radioactivity utilized in various practical applications or fields?


In what ways can Protactinium isotopes be used to study fundamental particle interactions and properties?


Why is the color of the indicator drop remains the same at the end point?


What are usp limits for theoritical plats,resoution,tailing factor,peak to valley ratio


Do all explosions produce carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide?