Tell me the situation where sanity test cases should pass
and smoke test cases fail...?

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Tell me the situation where sanity test cases should pass and smoke test cases fail...?..

Answer / prabhu

First clear with sanity and smoke.

Smoke testing:
its also called as build verification test. As
soon as we get the build we are testing whether the build
is in testable condition or not.

Sanity testing:
Its testing the major functionalities in the
application. You ll go for sanity if u dont find enough
time to do full regression test.

so there is no chance for sanity to pass, if smoke fails.

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Tell me the situation where sanity test cases should pass and smoke test cases fail...?..

Answer / ranjith nair

Sanity testing->Testing the application for the first
time.Or it is called an adhoc testing.Not in a position to
test the application in details.
Smoke testing-Testing only the major functionalities of the
application.Smoke testing is done when ever a new build is
happening.Or it is an example of regression test.Usually we
can use automation testing tools for performing smoke

Situation-->A new build has been released(New version).The
new changes implemented by the development team has been
tested and is working fine(Sanity testing).But due to the
new changes,Some existiong functionalities is getting failed
(Smoke testing).

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Tell me the situation where sanity test cases should pass and smoke test cases fail...?..

Answer / jay

sanity test checks the existence of functionality where as
smoke test checks whether functionality is working or not ..

since smoke test checks the functionalities work so the
test cases which passed during sanity test will sometime


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Tell me the situation where sanity test cases should pass and smoke test cases fail...?..

Answer / vish

in smoke testing we check all the critical functionalities
such as all p0(high)
where as in sanity we check both critical and major
functionalities. p0 and p1.
smoke is also called as bvt and sanity is a part of system
test which will be done before the acceptence test.

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Tell me the situation where sanity test cases should pass and smoke test cases fail...?..

Answer / umasubbu4u

We do sanity or smoke test when we receive the build for
the first time. Before accepting the build we test the
basic functionality of the build. This process is called
either sanity of smoke. Both are alomost similar.

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Tell me the situation where sanity test cases should pass and smoke test cases fail...?..

Answer / megha

both are same as per my knowledge

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 8 No

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