Substitute digits for the letters to make the following
subtraction problem true.


- C L A U S



Note that the leftmost letter can't be zero in any word.
Also, there must be a one-to-one mapping between digits and
letters. e.g. if you substitute 3 for the letter M, no other
letter can be 3 and all other M in the puzzle must be 3.

Substitute digits for the letters to make the following subtraction problem true. ..

Answer / guest

One of the simplest brain teaser as there are total 26
possible answers.

It is obvious that S=C+1. Since A-S=S, it is clear that
A=2*S or 2*s-10. Also, L and X are interchangeable.


24034 - 16492 = 7542

24034 - 17492 = 6542

24074 - 15432 = 8642

24074 - 18432 = 5642

24534 - 16492 = 8042

24534 - 18492 = 6042

24794 - 16452 = 8342

24794 - 18452 = 6342

24804 - 15462 = 9342

24804 - 19462 = 5342

24974 - 16432 = 8542

24974 - 18432 = 6542

36806 - 27643 = 9163

36806 - 29643 = 7163

36156 - 27693 = 8463

36156 - 28693 = 7463

62132 - 54206 = 7926

62132 - 57206 = 4926

62172 - 53246 = 8926

62172 - 58246 = 3926

62402 - 53276 = 9126

62402 - 59276 = 3126

62712 - 53286 = 9426

62712 - 59286 = 3426

62932 - 58206 = 4726

62932 - 54206 = 8726

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